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The other day in a sentence

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Sentence count:181+3Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: day after dayyesterdaystereotypeverdicttheorytheologydayin the open
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121. Reporter learned the other day from the insider place that Nie Yuan and will love one another two year biconditional gate female apprentice Yang Guang to marry officially.
122. The other day, two person of having sexual intercourse period, some people absorb using the camera record the entire process, middle imitates the Japanese xanthic film many obscene movement.
123. I saw a beautiful fish in the street market the other day.
124. The other day I saw a squirrel in my garden.
125. My wife has been on cloud nine since I told her the other day I would spend my year-end bonus at the office to take us to Hawaii to celebrate our twentieth wedding anniversary.
126. Forget city, town or village, this is the place to dwell The other day I was in Melton Mowbray in search of a pork pie.
127. The other day in the midst of Port-au-Prince, the great degraded capital city that is my home, I saw a car, an old battered car, a jalopy, falter and sputter and come to a slow halt.
128. That was a major repudiation of Iran the other day at the Security Council.
129. The Dragon King told Old Chu, "One of my sons was out fooling around the other day, and was kidnaped by a bandit who was going to murder him!"
130. I saw an old man the other day, to my astonishment, making the holes with a hoe for the seventieth time at least, and not for himself to lie down in!
131. I was told the other day that there was a school text book that mentioned me but I couldn't believe it until I saw it.
132. The other day on the blog The Oxford Etymologist Anatoly Liberman just happened to mention in passing that the word "window" evolved from an earlier pair of words "wind" and "eye."
133. I heard on the radio the other day that the origin of the phrase “drunk as a lord” came from a time when the aristocracy were the ones with the time and money to get boozy.
134. The other day I got a real USAF fighter pilot jacket at a second - hand shop.
135. Some things are bigger than politics. AsRepublican Dick Lugar said the other day, "Every Senator has an obligation inthe national security interest to take a stand, to do his or her duty."
136. Jewel : I saw a guy with a swastika on his scooter helmet the other day.
137. Here's a little number I wrote the other day while out duck hunting with a judge.
138. The newspaper news (by Lei Kun) the other day, the China Medical Association Urology department Branch held the annual meeting, the uropoiesis surgical department expert is assemble.
139. She made a wry face. 'That's what you called my sister the other day. What did you mean by it?'
140. The other day in the White Sea they found a modern Robinson on one of the islands, where he had spent more than two weeks.
141. I was reading an essay of Saleeby's the other day, and the best Saleeby could say was that Herbert Spencer NEARLY succeeded in answering Berkeley.
142. At that TNT lunch the other day, do you know how much we talked about Kobe?
143. Bunny - I and met the other day, the ear-piercing alarm whistle and everybody in the footsteps of confusion, and Bunny - This is a young Bai Ditan force on the side of the road a pickup truck.
144. Did you hear what he let fall the other day when we were there?
145. The other day, I'd overheard 2 people boasting about the numerous urchins they ate, collected from Tai Long Bay area years ago.
145. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
146. A friend posted on my wall the other day, "Um... I noticed that you are friends with John Paul II.
147. The other day I saw these speakers made for guitar hero and thought I'd give them a try as part of a small pa system.
148. As Republican Dick Lugar said the other day, "Every Senator has an obligation in the national security interest to take a stand, to do his or her duty."
149. But when I drove to the Westside to pay him a visit the other day, Levy told me not to take that seamless transition for granted.
150. The other day I brought a bunch of multi-colored roses home. For five days, at least once or twice a day, my son thanked me for the flowers.
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